Jika Anda pernah melihat Monumen Washington Anda mungkin bisa membayangkan bagaimana ini obelisk berwarna-warni tampak seperti sepeda. Seniman Mark Grieve dan Ilana Spector telah berhasil membangun tugu ini yang mereka sebut Cyckisk dari 340 sepeda warna-warni dan becak. Mereka mungkin tampak baru, tetapi kenyataannya mereka menggunakan sepeda tua.
it is 65 feet tall, located in Santa Rosa in California, and many would think that its purpose is to encourage people to let the car stay in the garage and rather drive a bicycle to work or wherever they are heading to. The real reason for the Cyckisk is that Nissan paid for it because they opened a big car dealership nearby the bicycle obelisk. That is all because of a law that Santa Rosa has about every major construction project must give 1 percent to donation to public art. Other attractions in California is the fabulous Phonehenge.
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